Qsportsmedicine Services
Sports Medicine services we offer:
- The diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions;
- The prescription of evidence based accelerated rehabilitation programs (as well as exercise prescription for common chronic diseases);
- High resolution U/S guided therapeutic injections around tendons and into joints (such as corticosteroid injections);
- Compartment pressure testing (Dr Mark Young and Dr Martin Smith);
- Corticosteroid iontophoresis;
- Prolotherapy (Dr Richard Brown);
- Low dose U/S to promote fracture healing;
- Medical problems that relate to activity e.g. asthma, diabetes
- CT guided spinal injections (Dr Mark Young).
Qsportsmedicine practitioners work closely with local specialist and sub-specialised orthopaedic surgeons. Qsports practitioners assist many of Brisbane’s recognised sporting orthopaedic surgeons in operating theatres.
Qsportsmedicine practitioners liaise with teams, coaches and allied health members of the ‘multidisciplinary sporting team’. This includes; sports physiotherapists, sports dieticians, sports podiatrists and sports psychologists. We believe that a multidisciplinary approach leads to a better and faster return to good health and exercise.
Currently we are developing some sub-specialised clinics within Qsportsmedicine, including non-operative spinal medicine and a new Pars and Adolescent Spinal Clinic.