- What is it?
- Degenerative condition of the symphysis pubis and surrounding bone
- Who gets it?
- Running sports
- Accentuated with kicking and change of direction
- Symptoms
- Vague uni or bilateral groin pain
- Gradually gets worse
- Sit ups painful
- Signs
- Reduced hip ROM (predisposing factor)
- Knee squeeze painful
- Tender pubic bones
- Investigations
- MRI may be an initial and best choice
- US to exclude other pathology
- Flamingo XR to exclude pubic instability
- Treatment
- Relative rest which can be prolonged
- Physio
- Releases
- Kinetic chain mechanics
- Adductor exercises
- Injections
- Rarely surgery
- Prognosis
- Expect a prolonged recuperation period – can be longer than 6 months
- If you continue to play you will need much more treatment and rehabilitatiation afterward and during the continuance of play